2023年5月6日 星期六

Dating Younger Men: Expect the Unexpected

With the increasing trend of cougar dating, more and more older women and younger men are joining into the rank. There are many new comers in this group. For the new cougars, you may have discovered that there are more here than you anticipated. Dating younger men is nothing like dating the older ones. There's one suggestion comes from CougarD for the new cougars dating younger men: to expect the unexpected, not only of you but of him.

Young does not equal to naive and foolish. They are the product of evolution. They are more inclusive in their sense of emotional awareness. Cougars usually dated older men than themselves. They would realize the difference between them. Each generation has their own mindset in how women are viewed. For older men, even though they may put women on a pedestal, however, they are not able to realize the power women has. Women are often viewed as accessories in their life. While for younger men, they would give you more freedom. You will be more like yourself when dating them. Besides, lots of older women dating younger men often feel that they are entering a new terrain that they have no knowledge of. You will be forced to accept and embrace the unknow for that you are from two different generations.

Many women hold the opinion that they will be the fountain of this relationship or they have more wisdom and experience to share with him than the other way around. Think again. The fact is that you will learn more from your younger boyfriend than you anticipated.

People often say that road to seek different incompatible. We are surrounded by the same kind of people like ourselves. All the topics are those we already know. For cougars, all the topics they discuss are kids, husband and so on. It is a wonderful dynamic to have someone who isn't like yourself. You will be exposed to the unknow. It is a good enrichment. There's enough commonality so that it can generates resonance and connection, but also enough difference so that you are challenged. You will be forced to open your eyes and to see things with different perspectives.

The best thing about younger men is that their open-mindness, the sense of less emotional baggage, and the purity of a heart that hasn't been wounded by people and the rigorous world. For older men who has hookup relationships that ends or marriage that fails, they often build up

Get rid of fat fetish

Fetishes are various from one person to another, some are good habits while others are bad habits. These bad habits might have a bad influence on people's life and health. Fat fetish is a new kind of fetish. In order to become sexy and attractive, BBW women tend to eat too much and become fatter and fatter. In order to meet their own needs, fat fetish men tend to date and have a relationships with fat women or feed big women and make them become fatter and fatter. That's sounds ridiculous, but really exist.

Fat fetish used to be a rare disease, with the increasing number of fast food restaurant and sweet factories, it has became a common disease. High-calorie food leads to fatness and poor health condition. Worse of all, people don't realize how dangerous fat fetish can be.

Fat fetish men often choose plus sized to women to feed. Curvy women are always lonely and with few friends and few BBW dating chances, they yearn for love and attention. If there is a man, who love and care about her, she will accept him and do everything for him. Under his compulsion, the girl needs to eat more food and get fatter and fatter. Overeating can cause serious health problems, it's not love but selfishness.

Fat fetish can cause serious health problems and even death. Big girls are forced to eat too much and without any exercises, so they are more likely to suffer from all kinds of diseases. Worse of all, they cannot even stand up or walk, due to their overweight. In most cases, feeders will end the relationship and start to find a new partner, since fat girls are no longer useful. A few people will choose to stay the fat girls, but it's no use, because they will never loss weight to improve their health condition. In a word, this kind of hookup relationship is unhealthy.

Being fat is sexy and attractive in some people's eyes, so many big women tend to become fatter and fatter to cater to other people's taste. These women are another kinds of fat fetish. They are willing to eat a lot of food to gain weight or find a feeder to meets their needs. That sounds unacceptable for most of people, but this kind of fat girls are happy to do so. Being fat is cool and sexy, they even don't know the importance of health. What I want to tell them is that you don't need to find a partner at the expense of your health. A real lover is the one who never care too much on your body shape and can really treasure your health.

In a word fat fetish is a bad habit and can cause serious health problems, there are still some ways to help them both physically and psychologically. Fat fetish women need to start exercise and loss weight, change their opinion on how to attract guys. Being fat is not as sexy and attractive as they thought, being healthy and positive is the best way to find a life partner. So, stop gaining weight and live with a healthy life style.

Bustr is the best BBW tinder app

General information

Bustr is a BBW dating app, which is aimed to find big beautiful women and curvy women for dating and hookups. Standing true to its name, this BBW dating app has helped many big girls found their life partners. It brings people with common interests and needs together and help them know each other. Bustr is a powerful BBW dating app which allows plus sized men and women to communicate with each other, and even have a long-term relationship. With beautiful design and special features, this BBW hookup app can really give you a completely new experience. If there are any problems, our support teams are always here to help you. Bustr is available for both iOS and Android, and it's very simple to use. If you want to date a big beautiful girl, just join us.

Special features

  • Automatically match. According to your personal preferences, the operating system can match you with someone you may like.
  • Quickly match. You can swipe right to like or left to pass on people that are suggested to you, and when someone you liked likes you back, you have a match. It takes a few seconds.
  • Messaging. People get to chat only with people who they are matched with. It means you don't need to waste time chatting with people you don't like or people who don't like you.
  • No advertisement. Most of dating websites and apps are filled with all kinds of weird advertisements, but Bustr is not one of them. It's a clean and neat dating app.
  • No deception. People here are serious in looking for a long term relationship with plus size women or big guys, you can never worry about being cheated by others.
  • A shared platform. Bustr is a shared platform as well. You can share your daily life with others by uploading your great pictures or words or you can know something about other epopel's life, it's a good way to know each other well.
    Here are also some distinctive and unusual features, you can download Bustr and have a try.

Membership plans

Prices are in U.S. dollars, may vary in counties other than U.S. and subject to change without notice.

1 month membership for $29.99
3 months membership for $25/month
6 months membership for $21.67/month

Bustr was first released in 2015, through our hard working and users' support, it's the No.1 BBW dating app now. As the most popular BBW dating app, we'll continue to perfect our design and give you a great dating experience. For most of plus sized singles, they lack a right platform and some advice of dating. But fortunately, Bustr is community of plus singles and there are also some dating advice on how to become attractive and charming. It's no doubt that Bustr is the best way for big beautiful women and plus sized singles to make new friends and find the right life partners. So, if you are a big beautiful woman or a plus sized singles, don't hesitate to join us, your happy life is on the way.

Things you need to do in between your threesome

Convincing your partner for threesome is not the only thing you need for having a threesome dating. You must know what you should do or what thing you have to avoid completely while having threesome or in between threesome. Many couples that are enjoying threesome for the very first time but don’t know how to proceed, what to do in between or how to end the threesome and can avoid few but important things while having threesome hookup and make the things wrong or having a worse experience than expected.

Here are few tips form tinder for threesome that you need to follow when you are going to start a threesome or in between threesome and also while ending your threesome. Threesome is only for fun and meant for double your excitements. Follow these tips to enjoy completely your threesome –
Introduce each partner with each other – it is mandatory that each partner will know each other and completely comfortable with each other. If you are not comfortable with each other, you are not enjoying your threesome completely. So, it’s better or quite mandatory to take care of each partner and make the environment friendly and comfortable for each one.

Never treat the third partner as only a piece of meat – In threesome, all three partners are important and equally valued. Never treat your partner as only a piece of meat so that you can do anything based on your mood and likes or dislikes.
Never left the rooms before all are done – It doesn’t matter if you are done and want to leave a room. You are not allowed to leave a room when other two partners are still enjoying their sexual games with each other. No matter how much boredom you are feeling or you don’t even like what else is going on. If you are into threesome, you need to be their right from the beginning and till the end of the threesome session.

Involve yourself in threesome – If other two partners are playing together it doesn’t mean that you are not going to disturb them. It’s a threesome, involve yourself in each and every moment that you all three are spending in room together. Remain yourself busy by touching other partners and let them touch and play with you. This is all threesome and soon you will also going to enjoying this threesome. You must believe that not only other two partners but you are also an important part of this threesome fun.

Never invite any third person who is emotionally attached with you or your wife – It is strictly prohibited that you should not allow any person for threesome who stores some emotional attachment with you or your wife. Threesome dating is for fun and not for emotions. If you let anyone play with your or your wife’s emotion than there are always a high chance of risk involving in your relationship. This may also affect your personal relationship or your married life.
So, follow these tips and you will get the best threesome result that you are expecting from yourself and your other two partners.

Why BBW prefer using dating apps to find their love

Nowadays, under all kinds of pressure from the competitive society, people become much busier than before and even don't have time to find their love. As far as i am concerned, that is why online dating websites are becoming more and more popular. Online dating offers you a place to meet people and help you find your partners. Although, there are various kinds of online dating websites today, people prefer using dating apps in their daily life. You may have a question: why do they choose to download hookup apps? Well, i would like to share my views with you, and here are some reasons of it as follows.

To begin with, you can set the information by yourself after downloading a dating app. And it seems that it is very convenient for those BBW and BHM to make some new friends and find their love on BBW dating apps. What's more, these dating apps are free and everyone can use them. So, it helps you to save some money in a way, but it still promises that you can meet lots of great people there. The third point is that it is very convenient to use and it can save much time for you. You just need to connect your Wi-Fi or mobile date, you can communicate with people online whenever and wherever you want. Fourthly, you can update your online information easily on dating apps. For example, you got a beautiful photo recently and want to use that as your dating profile. No problem, you can just click and change it in few seconds. 

Fifthly, people on these apps are genuinely wanting to find their love, so, they pay more attention to that, and these apps are more effective in a way. Sixly, your photo can be seen by many people on daying apps, it means that some people may be attractive by you at the same time, and then you get many opportunities to choose someone you like and date with him or her. Seventhly, we can say it is more safe to use dating apps compared with websites. Because people cannot conceal their IPs on dating apps while they can do it on websites. So, if someone tends to cheat you online, you can find them by using GPS devices on dating apps, then you can reply to them directly. In conclusion, i believe you can get the advantages of dating apps from my words. And i hope you will find your own love on dating apps someday.

Bustr also found big girls are very popular on BBW dating sites

70% of men think that slender girls are better as girlfriends, but big girls are the best for settling down with, according to an American survey. Why do they think so?

Being chubby symbolizes good fortune and wealth in chinese culture. Plump face is called 'wang fu' or good-luck face, and the guy who marry a girl with plump face is thought to be good luck in China. As everyone knows, plump women were prized in the culture of Tang dynasty, and the real national beauty - Yang Yuhuan, was a big beautiful woman. Nowadays, people from countries such as Fiji, Tonga and Mauritania also cry up plumpness.

A British company surveyed more than 500 adult males and found that 87% of men preferred curvy and plump women, because big girls are more likely to have a good sexual life. Survey of the university of Pennsylvania also came to the similar conclusion. In fact, scientific investigation indicates that fat girls have a higher level of estrogen than other females, and estrogen helps women to get excited faster and enjoy sexual life better.

Women would love all the attention and passion and plump women in turn would provide men with secure feelings. Big girls are faithful to their family and loved ones, and less likely to cuckold their husbands. As the saying goes ' laught, and grow fat', it means fat girls are kind-hearted and open-minded, and often with strong mental endurance. However, skinny girls are easier to lose temper than big girls, and they are hard to deal with.

In one study of oral contraceptive pills, women with a body mass index (BMI) in the overweight range (a BMI of 25 or more) are more likely to get pregnant than those in normal weight range. For lean women, every 10 kilograms they gain in weight, their chances of getting pregnant increase by 10%. Weight extremes - being too thin or too fat raise the risk of infertility, said Dr. William Gibbons.

There is a saying popular on the websites 'anyone that is great in weight in great in potential too'. It means every fat person has a great potential to look good. That is true, many popular stars were fat before, and you may not be able to imagine how fat they were without comparison photos. So, big girls are truly beautiful girls if they lose weight successfully.

'One man's meat is another man's poison', because of the difference in temperament and interests, and the standard of beauty, life partners are somewhat different. We are not emphasize big girls' merits but give you more good choices. As far as I know, BBW dating app is designed for people who are serious in looking for a long term relationship with plus size women or big guys. If you are one of the 70% of men who like to marry big girls, you can try the BBW dating apps like Bustr. 'The best online hookup dating club to meet big beautiful women and big handsome men' the site says.

Pantyhose tips for crossdressers and transgender women

You've probably noticed that not many genetic women hookup wear pantyhose these days, but that doesn't mean you can't wear them. It's all about choosing hoes that make you look classy and stylish, not like you stepped out of a time warp from the 80s. Here are five pantyhose Tips for crossdressers and transgender women.

1. Only wear nude or black pantyhose

Stick to the basics when it comes to hosiery and only wear nude or black pantyhose, definitely no white pantyhose. If you are going to wear black hoes make sure that they are jet-black, not gray black or brown black.

2. Go for sheer nude hose that matches your skin tone

Go for sheer nude hose that matches your skin tone. Match your shin tone as closely as possible, don't even think about suntan pantyhose unless that's your actual skin tone. Buy the sheerest hoser, you can find nude pantyhose should be like the foundation you wear on your face invisible, but enhancing high-end hose brands like Donna Karan and Calvin Klein offer lots of nudes to choose from, so you shoul definitely be able to find a perfect match in a beautiful sheer tone.

3. Buy the best quality hose you can afford

Most crossdressers and shemale women have great legs, so it pays to show them off with good panty hose. There is a big difference between drugstore brands and department store brands, high-quality hose gives your leg a smooth polished sheen.

4. Coordibate your hose to your shoes

For example, if you are wearing black hose and black shoes for the most streamlined look, wear nude hose with brown metallic or colored shoes and remember no pantyhose with open-toed shoes.

5. Try tights

Tights are a great alternative to pantyhose, especially when it's cold. If you are freshing casually tights look a lot more modern and youthful than pantyhose. The pantyhose rules don'e apply too tight, so experiment with different colors and styles.

6. You'd better shopping in store

They are men and shopping for female things, so many crossdressers may fear to go out and buy something in store. For crossdressers, online shopping is the easiest solution, many people tend to shop online rather than going into a store. But there are some problems with online shopping, when you don't have it right in front of you, it may not be what you thought it was, it's particularly true of clothing, and it may not fit that way that you think.

As crossdresser or transgender women, you need to be sure that all the clothes are going to fit properly. because you want certain curves in certain places, but there's also one specific place where you need to actually take always, don't show something that women don't have. You can wear some accessorizes like bags, bracelets, rings and earrings, you can look more feminine in this way. Try different shoes. Changing shoes with the same outfits can still give a complete new look for you. Practice feminine poses in front of the mirror constantly. Don't compare yourself with others, try to get the most from what you have, and always try to have a positive attitude.