2023年5月6日 星期六

Dating Younger Men: Expect the Unexpected

With the increasing trend of cougar dating, more and more older women and younger men are joining into the rank. There are many new comers in this group. For the new cougars, you may have discovered that there are more here than you anticipated. Dating younger men is nothing like dating the older ones. There's one suggestion comes from CougarD for the new cougars dating younger men: to expect the unexpected, not only of you but of him.

Young does not equal to naive and foolish. They are the product of evolution. They are more inclusive in their sense of emotional awareness. Cougars usually dated older men than themselves. They would realize the difference between them. Each generation has their own mindset in how women are viewed. For older men, even though they may put women on a pedestal, however, they are not able to realize the power women has. Women are often viewed as accessories in their life. While for younger men, they would give you more freedom. You will be more like yourself when dating them. Besides, lots of older women dating younger men often feel that they are entering a new terrain that they have no knowledge of. You will be forced to accept and embrace the unknow for that you are from two different generations.

Many women hold the opinion that they will be the fountain of this relationship or they have more wisdom and experience to share with him than the other way around. Think again. The fact is that you will learn more from your younger boyfriend than you anticipated.

People often say that road to seek different incompatible. We are surrounded by the same kind of people like ourselves. All the topics are those we already know. For cougars, all the topics they discuss are kids, husband and so on. It is a wonderful dynamic to have someone who isn't like yourself. You will be exposed to the unknow. It is a good enrichment. There's enough commonality so that it can generates resonance and connection, but also enough difference so that you are challenged. You will be forced to open your eyes and to see things with different perspectives.

The best thing about younger men is that their open-mindness, the sense of less emotional baggage, and the purity of a heart that hasn't been wounded by people and the rigorous world. For older men who has hookup relationships that ends or marriage that fails, they often build up