2023年5月6日 星期六

Tips for You to Control Your Casual Hookup in Hand

Although many people already have their own one night dating partners, they don't know how to maintain a long-lasting hookup relationship. We know that there is only sex between sexual partners. So, we have to put an end to anything that might cause feelings, so that we can guarantee our casual hook up is still in hand.

1: Don't let "we" appears in your chat

Usually, sexual partners will leave after they have finished their love. They will not be in a bed like a couple or have breakfast together in the morning. So, the word "we" rarely appears in their conversations. If one day, you find that the use of the word has become more frequent, then you should pay attention to whether your psychology has changed. Whether it from the initial desire for sex has become a desire to see him or her earlier. If your psychology has changed, please adjust it in time. Don't let things develop into irreparable.

2: Don't date with your friends

What if you meet an acquaintance while on tinder dating apps? Of course, you may feel a little embarrassed. You didn't expect your friends to use this one night tinder dating app to find a one night partner. You can introduce him or her to a one night friend you know and introduce him or her to others, but don't date him or her, even if he or her shows a strong interest in you. Dating with friends is the most troublesome. Once the relationship is over, even you can’t be friends any more, which may break your heart.

3: Don't say"I miss you"to your one night partner

Pay attention to the sentence"I miss you". When you said it out, you may be shocked. Why I said it. You know very well that this sentence cannot be seen in a one night relationship. You were shocked when you blurted out. When you hear this sentence, whether it is what you said or what your one night partner said, it means that your one night hookup is going to have problems. You should sit down and talk. If the problem cannot be solved, then the relationship can only be ended to avoid harm to both parties.

4: Don't be obsessed over someone

No matter how good the other person is, don't be obsessed with him or her. You must know clearly that the purpose of both of you is casual hookup experience rather than love. If you are obsessed with a person, then your hookup is not so casual.

5: Don't send messages to your one night mate too constantly

Sending too many text messages to your one night date will make him or her feel bored. You have seriously disturbed the private life of others. This is also not conducive to the maintenance of your long-term hookup relationship. You need to know how to keep a distance from your partner and don't bother each other's life.